Sunday, September 20, 2009

Smart Tuffy

Over generations the collar has been passed down. It was made in Egypt by the Pharaoh himself. Then it was traded and brought over to England and from there went to Germany. By then the style was out of fashion so it was really cheap. Nobody wanted it except for one family. And that is how it came into the possession of the Estabrooks.

Only three of the owners have known this and the secret was lost in the third generation. In 2004 the Estabrooks got a small puppy. Great Uncle Jim Estabrook saw in our Christmas letter that year the little brown dog named Tuffy. Because he did not have a dog he sent it as a Christmas present. Jim did not know that the collar enhanced a dogs intelligence.

We put the collar on Tuffy at Christmas and three days later he became as smart as a human. He thought his mission is to protect the good and defeat the evil.

Fast forward to 2009.

During the day while the family was on a bike ride Tuffy and his friend QQ the cat were wrestling when a cat came to the window. The cat meowed to be let in and said she had information. Tuffy unlocked the sliding porch door and pushed it open. When she was in she said that she had heard from another cat and did not know if this was true that a cat had seen a fisherman loading boxes onto his boat that did not smell like bait. The cat said she did know the smell of bait when she smells it.

Tuffy decided it was time to let the cat back out and hoped the family wasn't at the jetty. He ran to the jetty and talked to some sea lions about this. They confirmed that those boxes weren't food.

Tuffy decided to set up watch to find out what was happening. Because he had to go back to the house and QQ had to stay inside most of the time he employed a couple of stray cats and the local sea lions to find out what was there. Three days later his messenger out of the stray cats came back to him and reported that it was electronics. So Tuffy decided to put the site under maximum surveillance. The stray cats weren't in it this time but all the sea lions were employed to watch out for the boat although only 18 of them were required to be around the site.

When the family was out he decided to go and ask the sea lions if they had seen anything. They had got the name of the boat and the license number plate of the van delivering the electronics. The name of the boat was The Swordfish. The license plate number was WFE 523. He looked up the license plate number on the computer and found out that it belonged to a man in Corvallis with a record of stolen electronics. He turned on the TV to find out if the news reported a streak of burgularies in the valley. There was, especially in computers and televisions.

The sea lions came back to him with a keyboard that had dropped out of a box. They reported that this had come out of the van.

He ran to the police station to talk to the police dogs. At the end they came to the conclusion that the dogs would smell out the van and then go chase it. Hopefully the police officers would chase them and then catch the crooks.

The dogs chased the van and the police officers chased the dogs. The dogs and the police officers got to the docks at the right time. The police officers caught them unloading the stolen goods. The crooks names were Bob and Sam.

The End


  1. Smart Dog! Dumb Bob and Sam. What other kinds of mysteries has that smart dog solved?

  2. Wow! Amelia, you are one fine author! I never would have thought of linking your interest in Egypt to a dog collar and then to Tuffy getting smarter! How very imaginative!!!

    Once again, I love your juicy details. Even license numbers and the names of the police officers! These are the kinds of things that bring a story alive and make is very clear to the reader. You have got it, Mia!

    When I think of how you have developed as a writer I am amazed! Just last year your writing was very short and repeated itself. Think of your book. Now you are painting word picture of great depth and making everything so clear and visual.

    Congratulations, Mia. You are a wonderful writer. Must be very helpful to have lots of time to write and some space around you. I love it! And I love you.

    Thanks for including me among your fans. I just enjoy your creations so very much, and thanks for the charming photographs too.

    By the way, Apple thinks she lives with us, even though she does not come into the house or get fed. This evening she was licking her lips over and over again as she came trotting up to me on the sidewalk from our neighbors. I could smell the BBQ from their back yard. But I think Apple loves to be with us and is asking for you too.

    Love you,

  3. Dear Mia,

    It was such fun to show your Aunt Jiidtnah your blog of writing and art. She has enthusiastically written down your blog URL so she can read your stories when she is in Thailand. What an exciting life you lead in your creative imagination! Congratulations! We are all so proud of you and your wonderful work!

