Monday, December 21, 2009

How to Ride a Horse

Step One: Put the halter on the horse. Lead the horse out of the stall. Make sure the horse's feet are AWAY from you. I don't think you would want a one ton creature stepping on your feet.

Step Two: Get the horse to the cross ties. The cross ties are the ropes with the hooks on the end that you hook the horse to when you groom him. Brush the horse. Follow the instructor's instructions. Pick feet. If you don't pick the horse's feet, a stone will go up his feet and cause an abscess. Tack the horse. Put the saddle and the saddle pad and the bridle on the horse. The circle on the bridle is the horsey nose part. Are the reins on the horse? The reins hook onto the bridle. Good. Now lead the horse by the reins out of the barn.

Step Three: Mount the horse. There are a bunch of ways to mount a horse. You climb up a block, put your foot in a stirrup, and swing your other foot over.

Step Four: When you ride the horse, pulling back on the reins makes the horsey stop. Kicking the horse hard makes it gallop. Buck is trained that when you kick him, not as a hard to make him gallop or trot, he walks. When you kick him a little harder he trots. Harder than that is canter. Then is gallop.

Step Five: Pulling onto one side on the horsey's reins make the horsey go that way. To steer the horse, look between the horsey's ears. In between the horse's ears you will see where the horsey is going to go. Thinking about falling off will make you fall off. Being nervous will make the horse nervous.

Step Six: Do not use the block to get off. Swing one foot over the saddle so that you have two feet on one side and basically you have your stomach in the saddle. Then you take the other foot out of the stirrup. Then you lower yourself to the ground.

Step Seven: Lead the horse back into the cross ties. Then take the saddle, the bridle, and the saddle pad off. Put those over the wall of the cross ties. Brush your horse, pick feet. Put the blanket on the horse so that he stays warm.