Friday, January 22, 2010

Artemis Fowl Birthday Party Plans

I am having an Artemis Fowl birthday party. The plans we found on the internet were bad. Here are my plans.

I made them look like little copies of the Booke of the People. I wrote their names in Gnommish and in English on their envelopes.

Caviar, Earl Grey tea, oysters, fresh fruit and vegies, cupcakes with people's names written in Gnommish. Artemis liked Earl Grey tea and caviar. Some of the fairy people were vegetarian. I love oysters. Cupcakes because it's a party, and Gnommish because that's what the fairy people spoke.

1. Scavenger hunt with the clues written in Gnommish. Each clue guides you to the next clue. At the end of the hunt there is the pinata. We made a book to help translate Gnommish to English, like the Booke of the People.
2. Troll wars. Have the dads dress up as Trolls (green cloth pinned at the neck as cloaks.) Kids have flashlights and it is played in the dark. When a Troll is hit by a flashlight, the Troll automatically is out for a minute. If the kid gets gotten by a Troll, the kid is out for a minute. You just have to be against the wall when you are out so that you don't trip anyone.
3. Squirt gun fight at the swimming pool. Invite everyone to join! This is the B'wa Kell goblin vrs LEP wars.

I'm going to be Holly Short. I am wearing a long sleeve leotard with tights, all black. We made name tags and acorn insignia, and we got some squirt guns and belts.


1. Plant acorns in the forest.
2. Go to the local rope swing (or playground) and try out wings.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Jack and Farty

There was a dwarf tunneling along under Newport, right below where Jack was walking. Along they went until, KA-BOOM!!!!! Dwarf gas has to 'go' somewhere. That somewhere is down. Or up if the butt is pointed up. Well, in any case, it went up. Right where Jack was standing.

Jack was indeed blasted into the next decade. Jack got a very cool T.V. and took a time machine back to his time, only to appear right above Farty the Dwarf and get blasted again.