Monday, November 9, 2009

A Day In My Life by Neptune the Beta Fish

I was swimming in the little plastic container I will call home until someone adopts me. I am blue with pink, red, black, and silver spots. I have a full, feathery tail. I am a cute fish.

Someone walked into the store. They walked over to us betas. They picked up my tank and walked to the other person and said, "Look at our new fish!" I was getting adopted! The owner of the pet store dumped me into a plastic bag. On the car ride my owner held the bag so I could see out the window.

When we got home I floated in my tank until 15 minutes are over. Then my owner, a girl named Mia, dumped out the plastic bag and suddenly I was swimming in a 10 gallon tank! I swam and dived and had fun.

The End