Friday, October 16, 2009

El Dia de los Muertos, memories of Liki and Melba

El Dia de los Muertos is the Mexican celebration of the Day of the Dead. Butterflies carry the souls of the dead back to where they are buried. It's October 31st to November 2nd. The Mexicans put together ofrendas to honor the dead. On ofrendas are pictures of the dead, flowers, papel picado, skeleton decorations, and other stuff. My mom is a Mexico nut. (El Dia de los Muertos is a Mayan holiday that we celebrate in our house.)

Liki and Melba are our cats that died.

Melba, Baby Fluff

Melba was my dad's cat. She was a one man cat. She only let dad hold her.

Melba was a cat who did not like toys. She liked to sit on the chair in the cat room.

Pipi is Melba's sis. They used to like each other, then they didn't.

Melba ate cat food.


Liki was my cat. She was completely black with amber eyes. She loved people, and she would always sleep on my feet.

Liki's favorite food was chicken. Once she even stole some from Tuffy.

Liki took baths. Not willingly. Mom wore gardening gloves to give her a bath.

Be careful. CAR killed the cat.


  1. Dear Mia,

    What an amazing Dia de Muerta display you have made! Thank you too for explaining the Mexican holiday to your readers. Many Americans in the US just don't know anything about it and you were a big help. Incredible! Please leave your display up until I visit you in a few days...probably Tuesday.

    I loved what you wrote about the sweet kitties in your family who have died. Very nice and a wonderful way to remember them and to show your feeling for what they have meant to you and your parents. I hope your mama wrote about Zeb, too. That golden cat was so important to her and she was very kind to all of us when you were a younger person., He even helped your dad and Uncle John solve a computer program that was very tricky! Honestly, He did!

    Thank you, Mia for keeping me in your log! I LOVE reading your stories, the fiction ones and also the non-fiction ones.

    See you soon, sweet granddaughter. Love you!

  2. Yes, Oma, I wrote about Zebbie, Benjamin my nephew who died, Grandma Schenck, and John's grandparents, too. I love having a day to celebrate them. On the 31st we're supposed to make their favorite food and put it out for them to eat. Want to come to our Halloween party? It's going to be an ancient-beliefs-about-the-dead party. We're highlighting Greek, Egyptian, Celtic, and Mayan beliefs, with a little corner about how the way we celebrate Halloween in the US came about.
